
5月, 2018の投稿を表示しています
                                                           How to enjoy USJ. Please read here.  A lot of people went to Universal Studios Japan. It is very enjoyable place. I can teach how to enjoy more in USJ because I have been to there many times.  Enjoying more in USJ is easy if you follow these steps.  The first step is to ride roller coaster at night because you can see more beautiful landscape at night than at noon. There is a ride which is modeled after a movie of Jaws. You can find where Jaws appear at noon, but you cannot find it at night because you cannot see clearly surface of water due to too dark.  The second step is what you should ride soon after big events finished. This is because there are few people riding rides. Thus, you can immediately ride a ride.  Third step is to buy things which only sell there. For example, meat with born which sells in Jurassic Park area, and so on. Although they make you happy, you need not buy a lot of things there because they a
My friends whom I have known each other since we were high school students came to my house. Three people came and they could enter Kobe University. Today, we were talking about school days.It was so fun. I asked them to talk about their university. I heard that they are very busy because they studied all day. I decided to study harder than before. Tomorrow, we are going to go to Korakuen. We will enjoy watching artistic garden. I want to visit their house in Kobe some day.
Do you think that my story is true? I belonged to the baseball team when I was a elementary school student. Neighbors who lived near my house were forced to join the team. There were 6 teams in my city. The team which I belonged to was the second strongest there. We used to practice hard for about 5 hours on weekends. One day, we practiced as usual. I batted seventh. A pitcher threw a ball when I stayed in the batter's box. The ball hit my finger. It was too painful for me to pick up a ball. After this incident, I went home soon. I guessed that my finger was not broken and it cured in a few days ,so I did not go to a hospital. After 2 weeks, I went to a hospital because I felt pain in my finger. The doctor said that my finger was broken and it took about a month to cure completely. I had not played baseball since this happened ,so the teammates except me became much better than me. After all, I  stopped practicing baseball after my finger was cure.
Do you think that my story is true? A car ran over me when I was a junior high school student. I was in a hurry because I got up late.I went to school by bike and train. I hardly see around me ,so I did not notice a car coming. A car also delayed stopping.This is why a car ran over me. A driver called 119 to help me as soon as an ambulance came. According to a doctor, I broke my leg and it taked a month to heal my leg. My friends came to the hospital where I stayed. Their behavior impressed me very much. I have made it a rule to see around me since it occured.
I am looking forward to playing with my friends during GW. May 3rd. I am going to have dinner with my friends whom I have known since we were high school students. I want to talk a lot about their college because one of them entered Kyoto University. May 4th. I am going to have dinner with my friends whom I have known since we were junior high school students. I want to talk with them about the past.For example, we were scolded by teachers. In addition, I want to make a plan with them about trip during summer vacation. May 5th. I am going to stay at home with my family all day. I cannot meet them until August ,so I want to eat meal which my mother cooks and talk a lot with them. I will live without thinking about study for 3 days.